Along with Pedigree Registrations, Performance Data may be entered on the TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation (TACE) System to provide EBVs.
The following traits can be recorded:
- Gestation Length
- Calving Ease
- Birthweight
- Scrotal Size
- 200,400 & 600 Day Weights
- Mature Cow Weight
- Carcass Weight
- Eye Muscle Area
- Rump Fat
- Rib Fat
- Intra-muscular fat %
- Structural Assessment
A member has two options available for submitting pedigree and performance information:
- Internet Solutions
- Livestock Management Software programmes.
- Completing pre-printed, Association approved forms by hand.
Please ensure all forms are completed as thoroughly as possible before returning them to the office. If you have any queries regarding the completion of forms, please contact the Registry team.