Photo by Sharron Bennett
Bred for Balance
Your breed organisation, AngusNZ, is determined to foster stronger relationships between the country’s stud and commercial farmers. Our mission is helping breeders add value to their farming operation through a greater balanced breeding program, such as understanding the gains from a strong maternal influence, combined with solid growth rates and yield. Equally, we’re helping existing and emerging breeders to benefit from robust conformation and structural soundness with superior genetic traits.
Farmed for Balance
The idea of balanced farming is many things to many people: for AngusNZ, balance is about tailoring breeding and stock management to everyday realities. If you’re a non-pedigree sheep and beef farmer, your farming set-up could be anything from extensive hill country grazing to intensive grazing system. We invite you to find an AngusNZ breeder who suits your beef-breeding requirements.
Recorded for Balance
Registered breeders know the value of performance-recorded EBVs, unique to New Zealand conditions and market. We’re all about sharing high-quality information and it’s here, on our EBV Search that you will find assured selection indexes across the Angus breed. AngusNZ has a number of excellent resources at breeder’s disposal – all relevant to New Zealand beef sector and our environmental farming conditions. To see what we mean, take a look at Understanding EBVs.

Consumed for Balance
Breeders are a vital part of an enormous international industry, including consumers. That’s why AngusNZ is determined to elevate ‘The Angus Brand’ by creating awareness of Angus meat attributes, like superior marbling, pH levels, ossification and meat colour for higher market premiums. Our beef industry is so inter-connected, we’re setting out to help you tell the story of Angus’ journey from genetics to plate. This includes the story of your on-farm excellence.

Our Success Story
AngusNZ has a lot to be proud of, from world-leading animal welfare to genetic performance. You’ll have your own marketing plans, but AngusNZ is taking a fresh look at promotion. From website to social media and magazines, we can help to tell industry stories that deserve to be told. Once you have your website and social media sorted, make sure you link it to the AngusNZ website and similarly, you can link your Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn to AngusNZ’s to take advantage of our regular posts and generic breed promotion.
Get involved in your local ward to share marketing ideas and to generate joint initiatives and think about utilising the range of merchandising and promotional material AngusNZ has available. We know the rich Angus heritage in New Zealand, so let’s celebrate the important role it plays in the beef sector. For more, see Benefits of Angus.
AngusNZ prides itself on being not only the most popular, but the leading beef breed in New Zealand and this extends far beyond just the farm gate.
About AngusNZ
Angus New Zealand (AngusNZ), is an incorporated society representing the registered Angus cattle breeders of New Zealand. Our aim is to support members and ensure the on-going integrity of the breed while promoting Angus genetics to beef farmers and the wider industry. Following the development of a clear strategic plan, we’re on a journey to build long-term, meaningful connections which not only support our members but grow and support organisations that are connected to us.

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Everything about us including how to join, fees, membership benefits, rules & regulations and the people behind Angus NZ.