Animal Disposal List (ADL)/Cull Sheets

This is a preprinted list of all females in a breeders herd. A breeder is required to cull, using the appropriate cull codes, any dam no longer part of the breeding herd. These are sent late October and form the basis of the Calf Return and also the female fee numbers for billing.


  • Ensure cull codes are appropriate and be consistent when using them.
  • Ensure the ADL meets the cut-off date, to avoid being billed for culled animals.

Calf Return/Calf Entry Sheet

These are carbonated sheets to record the calf drop. They are pre-printed with dam and possibly sire details.


  • All calves must have
    – A sire and dam number and name
    – Unique tattoo / ID number Ð no duplicate numbers
    – Birth date
    – Sex
    – Colour
  • Ensure that you have completed all sections possible eg if an animal has an easy calving, record it’s calving ease score as “1”, DO NOT leave it blank.
  • Ensure that you have retained the carbon copy for your records.

Days to Calving

A comprehensive spread sheet has been developed for those breeders whom are not using Herdbook or Stockbook to submit Days to calving data.  The link below will take you to the Breedplan page describing the tool and also contained therein is a link to a template spreadsheet.

Angus New Zealand strongly encourages all breeding members to submit this data following pregnancy testing so that the performance of their cows can be adequately tracked and give a true reflection of the fertility of the New Zealand Angus genepool.  Members will note an improvement in accuracy with Days to Calving and a reflection of the noted performance of individual cows and cow families.

Weights / Scanning

200, 400 and 600 day weights and / or scanning may be submitted to the office at the appropriate times – preprinted forms are supplied for this purpose.

TACE (TransTasman Cattle Evaluation) Accredited Scanners

Austin Ultrasound
Owner/Manager: Bill Austin Phone: 027 4100 377
Hugh Boulton North Island. Phone: 027 339 5222


  • Ensure that a weigh date (and mob if applicable) are supplied.
  • Ensure that scanner accreditation number is supplied.

If submitting scanning data ensure that your herd number is included and make special note of animals transferred from another herd.