January 2022
1. Recording of Angus Cattle with Angus NZ
2. Conditions for registration of animals
3. Regulations relating to the transfer, sale or lease of cattle
4. Angus NZ Inspection
5. Regulations Applicable to Artificial Breeding
6. Importing and Exporting
7. General Regulations
9. Schedule of Fees (AS AT 1 January 2022)
10. Definition of Terms
1. Recording of Angus Cattle with Angus NZ
This section sets out Angus New Zealand’s requirements for recording, naming and branding of progeny.
1.1: Identification of cattle
1.1.1: The Breeder shall assign a Station Number to each calf born in the herd. The station number must be unique within the herd, and may contain a letter as well as numbers known as “the Station Number”.
1.1.2: Each Herd shall have a unique brand which shall be registered with Angus New Zealand known as “the Station Brand”.
1.1.3: Each Herd will have a unique three-letter code which shall be registered with Angus New Zealand known as “the Herd Code”.
1.1.4: In addition to the Breeder’s registered cattle being assigned a brand and station number, all cattle shall be named by the Breeder and the name must be included in the Calf Entry Return for that animal. Angus New Zealand at its sole discretion can disallow names that are: –
(i) misleading as to relationship or origin
(ii) objectionable in any respect; or
(iii) of established families where the animal has no ancestral claim thereto;
1.1.5: A Breeder may (with the approval of the Board) adopt any suitable name to be used as a prefix or affix when naming his cattle. Such prefix or affix must be registered with Angus New Zealand before use.
1.2: Calf Entry Returns
1.2.1: On or before the due date each year, as set by the Board, every Breeder must forward to Angus New Zealand, in a form approved by Angus New Zealand, a return of each calf born in their herd during the 12 months ended 31st of May that year (a “Calf Entry Return”).
1.2.2: Progeny entered in a Calf Entry Return will not automatically be included in the register. The Calf Entry Return will be kept by Angus New Zealand and will form the basis of the pedigree of the progeny shown in the return if that progeny is later registered, and for any other purpose of Angus New Zealand.
NB: For Progeny bred by A.I. see Section 5
1.3: Identification
1.3.1: 1.3.1 All progeny shown in a Calf Entry Return must be identified by:
(i) a NAIT compliant primary EID tag
(ii) an Angus compliant secondary visual large or maxi female tag with the year/letter and animal station number printed on it (back/male optional button or tag).
(iii) All breeders must exercise the tag identification of their animals prior to weaning, except under exceptional circumstance as approved by the Board.
(iv) Optional identification options, using the breeder’s station number and/or brand are: freeze branding, tattooing inside the ear, brass tag, steel tag, additional plastic tags and fire branding (performed in accordance with the relevant NAWAC Clause). All breeders must exercise the identification options prior to weaning, except under exceptional circumstance as approved by the Board.
A calf sold at foot under the age of four months will be treated as bred by the purchaser and shall be assigned identification by the purchaser and included in the purchaser’s Calf Entry Return unless, at the time of such sale a transfer of the calf is required to be registered in which case the calf will be included by the vendor in his Calf Entry Return.
1.3.3: Where a calf is over four months old at the time of the sale and a transfer is required the vendor shall be responsible for supplying Angus New Zealand with a Calf Entry Return within 30 days of the date of the sale of the animal. Angus New Zealand shall refuse to register such calf until the Calf Entry Return has been supplied by the vendor.
NB: Calves at Foot sold for Export. See Regulation 6.3 Export Cattle.
2. Conditions for Registration of Animals
This section sets out the conditions for registration of animals with Angus New Zealand.
2.1: Registration of animals
2.1.1: Any “Breeder” may at any time apply to have any or all of his/her cattle registered
2.1.2: All entries will be subject to the decision of the Board as to their eligibility for registration.
2.1.3: For an animal to be accepted for registration with Angus New Zealand it is required that: –
(i) both dam and sire are already registered; and
(ii) all dams born from 01/01/2018 must have a DNA profile and be correctly Sire Verified; and
(iii) All used sires must have a DNA profile be correctly Sire Verified; and
(iv) the Breeder has completed and returned a Calf Entry Return in respect of the animal or animals in accordance with Section 1 of these Regulations; and
(v) in the case of genetic conditions as notified by Angus NZ, the following regulations apply:
(a) Used Sires born before 01/01/2020 must be either tested free or have a free untested status from known genetic conditions AM, CA, DD, NH.
(b) Used sires born after 01/01/2020 must be tested free from known genetic conditions AM, CA, DD, NH.
(c) Progeny from a dam with Carrier status for genetic conditions AM, CA, DD or NH will not be registered until the progeny has been tested free for the Genetic Condition/s the dam carries.
(d) Only the results from Angus NZ approved labs will be recognized.
(vi) In the case of an imported animal, Section 6.1 of these Regulations has been satisfied; and
(vii) an official Angus New Zealand application form is completed; and
(viii) the Breeder has paid the entry fee and subscription set by the Board pursuant to Rule 7 of Angus New Zealand’s rules.
2.1.4: Deadlines for Registration.
(i) All females will be automatically registered as calves when they are recorded on the calf returns unless the office is advised otherwise by the Breeder.
(ii) No progeny born after the 31st May in any year will be accepted for registration for that year.
2.1.5: All sires to be used for Pedigree or PRAC must be DNA profiled, correctly sire verified, and be tested free status for genetic conditions AM, CA, NH and DD.
2.1.6: Any heifer or bull to be retained within your herd or on sold with a transfer (regardless of age at the time of transfer), must be DNA profiled and correctly sire verified. (NB: an animal shall be considered ‘retained’ when first entered in to the registry records as a 2-year-old).
2.2: Animals unable to be sire verified
2.2.1: Animals that are unable to be correctly verified, for whatever reason, will not be registered with Angus NZ. Dispensation from this requirement is not routinely offered by Angus NZ and any decision in this regard is at the sole discretion of the Board of Angus NZ.
2.3: Pathway to PRAC (Performance Recorded Angus Cattle)
The rules for the pathway to PRAC breeding have been put in place to allow Angus cattle breeders to benefit from the full recording of their animal pedigrees and performance data for the purpose of enhancing the performance of their herd.
Rules are required to maintain the integrity and standards expected of both Angus cattle and breeders (Registered and PRAC)
2.3.1: Commercial Base Cow
(i) Base Cow must be tested free of known genetic conditions as notified by Angus NZ
(ii) Base Cow must be genomic tested to a minimum standard of 50k SNPS
(iii) The Base Cow to be phenotype inspected, to be of true Angus type and structurally sound
(iv) This is to be carried out by an accredited Beef Structural Assessment Inspector. All inspection costs to be paid for by the breeder. No animal that fails inspection can be re-submitted.
(v) The Base Cow gets no EBVs
2.3.2: Generation 1
(i) Must have a registered sire, or a registered PRAC sire
(ii) Must be phenotypically performance recorded, genotyped and parent verified
(iii) Females to get EBVs
(iv) Males get NO EBVs
2.3.3: Generation 2
(i) Must have a registered sire, or a registered PRAC sire
(i) Must be phenotypically performance recorded, genotyped and parent verified
(ii) Females to get EBVs
(iii) Males get NO EBVs
2.3.4: Full PRAC Female – Generation 3
(i) Must have a registered sire, or a registered PRAC sire
(ii) Must be phenotypically performance recorded, genotyped and parent verified
(iii) Males get full EBVs and may be sold as PRAC
(iv) PRAC cattle are transferable as PRAC animals to a PRAC breeder or a registered breeder. (The progeny of a PRAC animal X a registered animal will be PRAC)
2.3.5: Performance Recorded Angus Cattle (PRAC) Register
(i) Full membership fee
(ii) PRAC fees to be same as that for a registered herd
(iii) All fees applicable to setting up a new breeding herd to be paid for by the new member
(iv) PRAC animals are subject to same rules as a registered animal
2.3.6: In Summary: The time frame to get from Commercial to PRAC Female and PRAC Male
(i) | Base Cow | Gen 1 | Gen 2 | PRAC Gen 3 | Sale Rising 2Yr Bull |
(ii) | Year 0 | Year 2 | Year 4 | Year 6 | Year 8 |
2.3.7: Explanation/Reasoning behind the Pathway from Commercial to PRAC Rules for PRAC Breeding: To be read in conjunction with Pathway to PRAC
2.3.8: Commercial Base Cow
We need a sound base for all cattle entering the PRAC system to maintain the integrity of the Angus breed.
(i) Minimum standard of 50K SNP tested to ensure 7/8th Angus, give the dam DNA for future reference, starting base for future EBVs
(ii) Base cow must be clear of all known genetic conditions (she has an unknown background)
(iii) Phenotype inspection – to ensure all base animals are of a standard expected of recorded cattle in the system
(All registered Angus cattle have years of pedigree, performance recording and assessments behind them)
2.3.9: Generation 1 and Generation 2
(i) Females only to get EBVs – for the purpose of selection into the herd
(ii) These two generations of progeny are to gain some actual performance recording and pedigree and to give some accuracy to their EBVs, genomics to be used to enhance EBVs.
2.3.10: PRAC Generation 3
(i) At this stage both females and males will get EBVs
(ii) There is sufficient amount of performance recording, genomics and pedigree to give meaning to the EBVs
2.3.11: Exemptions for current PRAC Breeders
(i) Those males born in the 2020 year will be exempt from full compliance of the new PRAC
Rules and eligibility to get EBVs
(a) They have a recorded dam
(b) They have a registered sire or a registered PRAC sire that is fully compliant to new PRAC rules
(c) Are parent verified
(d) They must be genomic tested to a minimum of 50K SNPs
(e) They must be tested free of known genetic conditions as notified by Angus NZ
(f) 2022 is the LAST year that non-compliant male cattle (born in 2020) will receive EBVs
ALL animals born from 2021 onwards will fall in-line with the new rules and regulations to receive EBVs
(ii) For current PRAC breeders who have generations of progeny from a commercial cow.
This cow may be exempt from full compliance of the new PRAC rules if:
(a) They already have a number of parent verified progeny recorded
(b) The cow and/or progeny must be tested free of known genetic conditions as notified by Angus NZ
(c) Each cow and her progeny will be dealt with individually
(d) Inclusion of a cow and/or progeny in the PRAC register will be decided on by the Angus NZ Board
(e) The breeder is responsible for bringing each individual case to the attention of the Angus NZ Board
2.4: Audit of Angus New Zealand Register
2.4.1: If any irregularity is discovered relating to any entry in the Register then the Board may at its discretion, cancel the entry.
2.4.2: The Board shall not be required to accept an entry in the Register while it has any doubts as to the breeding of the animal concerned.
2.4.3: The Board may at its discretion, remove from the register, any animal considered to put at risk the health or reputation of the Angus breed.
2.5: Transfers
2.5.1: Generation 1 and 2 Females PRAC animals will be eligible for transfer as of 1st September 2021 and will incur a transfer fee of $100.00 per transfer, payable by the purchaser as with registered transfers.
2.5.2: PRAC (animals) transfers will be eligible to be transferred to PRAC breeders.
2.5.3: PRAC animals are eligible to be transferred to Registered Breeders BUT their progeny will be PRAC recorded only not Registered.
This section sets out Angus New Zealand’s registration requirements for the transfer of ownership of registered cattle.
3.1: Transfers
3.1.1: On the sale/lease of any cattle registered with Angus New Zealand where the purchaser/lessee wishes registration to continue, the vendor/lessor shall supply the purchaser/lessee with a transfer certificate on the form prescribed by the Board, duly filled in and signed by the vendor/lessor. The purchaser/lessee shall immediately sign and forward the transfer certificate to Angus New Zealand for registration. Fees that are payable (if any) for the year current are is defined under “Schedule of Fees” which is appended to these regulations.
3.1.2: A Transfer must be registered with Angus New Zealand within 120 days of sale or lease. Any transfer not registered within this period will be subject to a penalty fee as detailed under “Schedule of Fees”.
3.1.3: Animals sold for live export the transfer fees (Export transfer fee) will be payable by the vendor, together with an export certificate fee (see Section 9: Schedule of fees).
3.1.4: A fee will apply to all animals sold through displenishing and dispersal sales (see Section 9: Schedule of fees)
3.1.5: The official forms of Angus New Zealand must be used in all cases of transfer (See Section 11: Forms)
3.1.6: The vendor/lessor shall provide the purchaser/lessee with copies of all documents arising from prior Inspection of the animals concerned. In the event that such documents cannot be located, copies may be procured from Angus New Zealand by the purchaser at the vendor’s expense.
3.1.7: The Board may, by special resolution, and without stating any reason, refuse to register any transfer.
3.1.8: All animals, both Male and Female Transfers, require the animal to have a DNA profile, be correctly sire verified and be tested free status for genetic conditions AM, CA, NH and DD
3.1.9: All registered animals must be transferred within 120 days of the sale date.
This section sets out Angus New Zealand’s requirements and procedures for an Angus NZ Inspection.
4.1: Application
4.1.1: Inspection of cattle will be required in the event that;
(i) Inspection is required by the owner of registered cattle; or
(ii) Inspection is required by resolution of the Board; or
(iii) On request inspection is required by a potential buyer.
4.1.2: All requests for Inspection should be directed through Angus New Zealand’s Office. No animal may be inspected pursuant to this section until at least 18 months of age.
4.1.3: Angus New Zealand will appoint an Inspector on any request for Inspection and will levy charges according to the schedule of fees defined in the appendix to these regulations. Charges so levied will be payable by the owner of the cattle at the time of Inspection. Angus NZ will also maintain a register of approved inspectors.
4.1.4: Any animal which complies with the requirements for Inspection as outlined in Regulation 4.2.1 below on Inspection shall be examined by the Inspector who shall either grant or decline Passed Status. Cattle holding Passed Status will be recorded as such in Angus New Zealand’s register.
4.1.5: Any animal which has been given Approved Status shall retain this status unless:
(i) Re-Inspection takes place and, on that re-Inspection, taking place such animal is declined Approved Status and no subsequent Inspection has taken place after the animal has been declined Approved Status, granting that animal Approved Status; or
(ii) The Approved Status for that animal is rescinded by resolution of the Board. The situations in which a resolution of the Board may rescind Approved Status of an animal shall include but not be limited to the discovery of a genetic disorder or defects being found in the animal’s records.
4.1.6: Animals which are declined Approved Status may remain in the Register and shall remain eligible for transfer.
4.1.7: Angus NZ inspected animals which meet a minimum standard (i.e. have been inspected and passed by an accredited person) shall be entitled to use and / or display the “Independently Inspected” logo (see Section 10: Definition of Terms).
4.2: Approval process:
4.2.1: Prior to full Inspection the inspector will ascertain the eligibility of the animal concerned. This shall include verification of identification and registration. Any animal which is found to be ineligible for registration shall be removed from Angus New Zealand’s register and shall not be eligible for transfer.
4.2.2: The Inspector will examine animals which qualify for Inspection pursuant to Regulation 4.2.1 above to ascertain whether they meet the standards outlined in the Current Inspection Manual.
4.2.3: The Inspector will provide details of all animals on an official Inspection form provided by Angus New Zealand and will complete and sign such forms for all animals put up for Inspection. After the official Inspection form has been signed by the Inspector and the owner, a copy shall be provided to the owner of the cattle concerned and also to Angus New Zealand. Individual forms will be completed for any animal NOT attaining the Approved Status, with the reason why being stated.
4.2.4: Where large numbers of animals are put up for Inspection, the Board may at its discretion appoint two or more Inspectors to complete the Inspection.
4.2.5: Where a decision by an inspector is appealed, the Board will appoint three inspectors to work together to re-inspect. If the appeal is upheld, then the costs associated with re-Inspection will be met by Angus New Zealand. The cost of the re-Inspection in relation to any animal declined Approved Status on the re-Inspection taking place shall be met by the owner.
4.3: Yearling Inspection
This clause applies to animals under the age of 18 months that cannot attain “Approved Status” (see Section 4.1)
4.3.1: Process
(i) Normal inspection criteria will be applied as per the current Inspection Manual.
(ii) Animals that pass “Yearling Inspection” may be promoted under the Angus NZ Yearling Inspected Logo (see definition of terms).
This section details the regulations applying to collection, use and/or sale of genetic material. For Rules regarding the importation or exportation of genetic material see Section 6.
5.1: Collection of genetic material
5.1.1: A bull in New Zealand from which semen is to be drawn and offered for sale must first be confirmed as having a status of;
(i) AMF, NHF, DDF and CAF
5.1.2: Semen collection for sale must be carried out by qualified person/s.
5.2: Use of genetic material.
5.2.1: No semen drawn from an animal born prior to and inclusive of the 1980 calving year may be used in a registered herd except where that animal can be shown to have been
(i) tested free of the Mannosidosis genotype or
5.2.2: Proper records must be kept of details of artificial breeding activities. These shall include semen identification, all insemination dates, identification of inseminated cows, dates of embryo recovery and transplantation and recipient and donor identification. These records must be available to the Registrar on request.
5.3: Sale of genetic material
5.3.1: All semen contracts, fees and arrangements must be made between the vendor and the purchaser, and Angus New Zealand shall bear no responsibility in this regard.
5.3.2: Notice of sale of frozen embryo or live recipient dams must be lodged with the Registrar within one month of sale.
5.4: Registration Requirements for Embryo Transplant
5.4.1: A DNA profile must be obtained for both donor dam and sire. The Registrar may request these certificates following confirmation of pregnancy.
5.4.2: When submitting Calf Entry Returns for calves sired by ET the Breeder must:
(i) Attach completed ET Certificate to the Calf Entry Form
(ii) Attach DNA profiles to the Calf Entry Form unless such DNA profiles have previously been lodged with the Registrar.
(iii) Record ET after the calf’s name.
5.4.3: All ET calves registered with Angus New Zealand will be subject to a fee set by Angus New Zealand in addition to the Pre-list Dam Fee.
This section outlines provisions to verify the registration status of cattle and genetic material entering and leaving New Zealand. It also seeks to protect the international reputation of Angus New Zealand.
6.1: Importing Live Animals
6.1.1: The Registrar must be notified in writing within one month of the importation of any Pedigree Angus animal into New Zealand. Such notification facilitates entry into the Angus New Zealand Register and must be accompanied by the following information:
(i) Pedigree Certificate (see definition of terms).
(ii) DNA profile of the said animals.
(iii) DNA profile of the dam and sire.
(iv) Certificate stating that the animal has been tested free of, Arthrogryposis Multiplex (AM), Neuropathy Hydrocephalus (NH), Contractural Arachnodactyly (CA) and any known genetic disorder for which the Board may require testing.
6.2: Importing Genetic Material:
The Registrar must be notified in writing within one month of the importation of any semen or embryo into New Zealand. Such notification facilitates entry into the Angus New Zealand Register and must be accompanied by the following information:
6.2.1: Semen (excluding Australia):
(i) Pedigree Certificate (see definition of terms) of the animal from whom semen is being imported.
(ii) DNA profile of the said animal.
(iii) Sire verified and
(iv) Certificate stating that the animal has been tested free of Mannosidosis, Arthrogryposis Multiplex (AM), Neuropathy Hydrocephalus (NH), Contractural Arachnodactyly (CA), Developmental Duplication (DD) and any known genetic disorder for which the Board may require testing.
6.2.2: Semen (Australia only):
(i) Pedigree Certificate (see definition of terms) of the animal from whom semen is being imported.
(ii) DNA profile of the said animal.
(iii) Sire verified and
(iv) Is registered with the Australian Angus Association and is tested free for, Arthrogryposis Multiplex (AM), Neuropathy Hydrocephalus (NH), Contractural Arachnodactyly (CA), Developmental Duplication (DD) and any known genetic disorder for which the Board may require testing.
6.3: Exporting Live Animals
6.3.1: All animals, including calves under the age of four months, to be exported must be DNA profiled and registered with Angus New Zealand before departure from New Zealand.
6.3.2: A Transfer fee and an Export Certificate Fee is payable by the vendor to Angus New Zealand. (See Section 9: Schedule of Fees).
6.4: Export certification
6.4.1: Angus NZ provide an export certification service for Members and other commercial operators wishing to export livestock, embryos and semen etc. overseas. All export certification requests will in the first instance require the exporter (breeder or commercial operator) to be registered with Angus NZ as either a (i) Breeding Member or (ii) in the case of Commercial exporters registered as a Commercial Member. (See Section 9: Schedule of Fees)
This section refers to general regulations.
7.1: Pedigree Certificates: (see Definition of terms)
Refers to extended pedigrees of both dam and sire of any animal entered in the Register.
7.2: Private Stud Records:
7.2.1: All Breeders shall keep records of their stud breeding activities.
7.2.2: The Board may inspect these records under the provisions in Section 7.4 – Audit.
7.3: Annual Subscription:
7.3.1: An annual subscription to Angus New Zealand for each class of member is determined by The Board pursuant to Rules 7, 8 and 9 of Angus New Zealand’s Rules and shall be payable annually in advance. The annual subscription for the year 1 January to 31 December is as follows in Section 9 – Schedule of Fees.
7.4: Audit
The Board shall have the right to audit all herd records of members of Angus New Zealand and may address issues arising from the audit.
7.4.1: The Board may at its own discretion appoint one or more representative(s) to carry out an audit of any Registered Angus Stud
7.4.2: The Board will give notice in writing to the member concerned of intention to carry out such audit and will attempt to set a time and venue which is convenient for all parties. If agreement cannot be reached then the audit will be carried out at a time notified to the member by The Board.
7.4.3: Such audit shall include but not be limited to, the examination of the private stud records together with any supporting documents made available, and also the animals recorded therein.
This section refers to by-laws applicable to members of Angus New Zealand.
8.1: Membership
8.1.1: An annual Angus NZ membership contract will apply for the period from the 1st of January to the 31st of December each year on registration with the Society.
8.2: By-Laws of Membership
8.2.1: Angus NZ retains copyright on all information generated from the Angus pedigree and performance database (created material) on behalf of Angus NZ members. Misleading use of this information in advertising and promotional material by any party may contravene the Consumer Guarantee Act (1993) and the rules of the New Zealand Angus Association.
8.2.2: All members are required to conduct themselves with integrity at all times in any activity that relates to the breeding, recording, promotion or sale of registered Angus cattle.
8.2.3: All members are to keep their financial obligations with Angus NZ current at all times.
8.3: Angus TACE
8.3.1: Data for inclusion in TACE will only be accepted from (i) fully Registered, or (ii) PRAC recorded animals owned by members of Angus NZ.
8.3.2: Data submitted for TACE will be analysed together with data from other New Zealand herds, Australian Angus herds and selected overseas genetic evaluation material to calculate Estimated Breeding Values (EBV’s), Indexes and other statistics as required. This data will remain the property of Angus NZ on behalf of Angus NZ members as per their contract with the service providers. This data will be used where necessary for research and/or the publication of EBV’s and Indexes on individual animals.
8.3.3: Members agree to submit all relevant data either electronically or manually in a full & accurate manner. False entries or misleading data can negatively affect and undermine the integrity of the whole TACE system for all users.
8.3.4: Breeders must ensure measurement systems and devices are accurate and able to provide consistent & correct data.
8.3.5: Contemporary groups must be managed to ensure all animals in a group have equal opportunity to express their genetic potential. Sick, disadvantaged, or preferentially fed animals must be entered as separate contemporary groups.
8.4: Catalogues (mandatory inclusions)
8.4.1: All members’ sale catalogues must be produced to a consistent standard and must contain at least the following:
(i) Current available EBVs and accuracies for all reported traits for every sale animal and reference animals (i.e. selected figures, EBV’s or Indexes mustn’t be excluded for any individual animal). All non-zero EBV’s will be shown with either a clear +ve or –ve sign preceding the figure.
(ii) Herdbook Numbers of all sale animals
(iii) All BreedObject Indexes are voluntary, but must include Angus NZ approved explanation of BreedObject Indexes if they are published in the catalogue.
(iv) Wherever EBV’s or Indexes are used, they must be acknowledged with the source & date e.g. January 2014 Angus TACE.
(v) All catalogues are to include a full explanation for all EBVs and Indexes sourced from Angus NZ and not include any members interpretations. Angus NZ has available a number of sample templates to fit most catalogue sizes.
(vi) Any PRAC animals are to be clearly identified with “PRAC” beside their name.
(vii) EBV’s or indexes estimated by members from ancestral or mid parent EBV’s cannot be used instead of current or missing data in advertising or sale catalogues.
(viii) When raw data or overseas breeding values are used in promotional material alongside TACE data, they must be labelled clearly to prevent confusion.
(ix) Where current or missing EBV data in advertising or sale catalogues is unavailable, Sire and Dam EBVs can be listed together; however, a mid-parent EBV cannot be generated.
(x) A declaration as to the genetic condition status of all animals in the sale catalogue. Angus NZ has available sample templates for genetic conditions declarations.
8.4.2: Angus NZ reserve the right to audit catalogues on a regular basis and will provide written feedback to a member on any nonconformance with rules 8.4.1 (i – x).
8.5: Sanctions
8.5.1: Angus NZ have a range of sanctions available to it in response to any nonconformance with the By-Laws and rules contained in this section.
8.5.2: Depending on the severity of any non-conformance sanctions may include;
(i) Written warnings
(ii) Suspension of services including TACE EBVs
(iii) Fines of up to $1,500 (as in the Constitution Section 13.2 (l))
(iv) Deregistration
8.5.3: The Board (following a principle of ‘natural justice’) reserves the right to apply any sanctions at its discretion.
8.6: Catalogue Inclusions (discretionary)
AngusPure Devices
8.6.1: Provided the appropriate standards have been met breeders can include in their catalogue and sales materials, at their discretion, a range of Angus NZ endorsed logos and devices. These endorsements and their associated ‘devices’ include the following (see Section 10 for Definitions):
(i) The AngusPure “A” and AngusPure “A+” devices
(ii) The Angus NZ “Double A Tick” device
(iii) The TACE “Completeness of Recording – “Star rating” device
8.6.2: Breeders who choose to use the “Independently Inspected / Double A Tick” device on any animals that have passed an independent inspection from an authorised and independent Angus NZ inspector, will also need to provide the date on which that inspection took place.
Trait Groupings
8.6.3: Provided appropriate standards are met breeders can include in their catalogue and sales material, at their discretion “Trait Groupings” data, available through approved external providers.
8.6.4: Breeders who choose to use “Trait Groupings” data and tables will be required to provide the approved written caveats and information provided by the approved external provider / or Angus NZ.
8.7: Public criticism/Marketing by members
8.7.1: Angus NZ has worked extremely hard to develop strong relationships and affiliations with industry organisations and sponsors which are vital to the success of the breed and have major financial considerations. Maintaining a positive image and reputation for Angus NZ and the Angus breed is seen as being of upmost importance.
8.7.2: Members are not to engage in any form of public/media relations about TACE, Angus NZ or other Angus NZ members. Concerns relating to those should be directed to the Angus NZ General Manager in the first instance.
8.7.3: Members are not to correspond directly with staff at ABRI. Queries should be directed to the Angus NZ General Manager in the first instance.
8.8: Genomic testing
8.8.1: Breeders supplying samples (e.g. hair or tissue using TSU samplers) to third party service providers for genomic testing (e.g. sire verification, i50k testing etc.) agree to the following conditions.
(i) All genomic data including “created material” files and the full genotypes of sampled animals will be forwarded and made available to Angus NZ directly from the service provider.
(ii) The ownership of this ‘data’ and ‘genotypes’ will be vested in Angus NZ and the Breeder. This information will be stored in perpetuity by Angus NZ and will only be used for the specific purposes in which it was provided (i.e. confirming sire verification and to create genomically enhanced EBV’s etc.).
(All prices GST exclusive)
The Board of Angus NZ is empowered by the Constitution of the Angus NZ to amend any fees from time to time as they see fit.
Annual Subscription (charged February) | Price |
Breeding Member | $450.00 |
Associate Member | $100.00 |
Overseas Member (NB no GST applies) | $100.00 |
Junior Breeding Member (Under 25 yo) | $90.00 |
Junior Non-Breeding Member (Under 21 yo) | $60.00 |
Sundry Registration Fees | Price |
ET Calf | Same as Pre-list Dam Fees |
Manual Entry Fee | $20.00 per animal |
Transfer Fee per Animal (Male and Female) effective from 1 September 2021 | $100.00 |
Late Transfer Penalty Fee (after 120 days) | $250.00 |
Live Export Certification | 2.5% of sale price (NB: minimum of $30 per animal) |
Pre-list Dam Fees (charged February) | Price |
Pedigree and Performance | $30.00 |
Pedigree Only | $20.00 |
PRAC | $30.00 |
Female Reinstatement Fee | $100.00 per female |
Penalty for Late ADL Submissions | $5.00 per dam |
Marketing Levy (charged April) | Price |
Herds with less than 50 Registered Dams | $150.00 |
Herds with 51 – 100 Registered Dams | $200.00 |
Herds with more than 100 Registered Dams | $300.00 |
Inspections (user pays) | Price |
Per Hour | $75.00 |
Mileage (per kilometre) | $0.79 |
Miscellaneous Fees & Charges | Price |
Electronic Catalogue Builder (sale lots) – per Lot – Photos | $5.00 $6.00 |
Manual Catalogue Builder (sale lots) – per Lot – Photos | $5.50 $8.00 |
NZ AI Sire registration | $100.00 |
Imported AI Sire registration (incl. taxes and bank fees) | $500.00 |
Non-specified administration/hour | $100.00 |
Within these Regulations, unless required otherwise by the context, the following words shall have the meanings ascribed to them;
“AB” means Artificially Bred.
“ADL” means Animal Disposal List
“AI” means Artificial Insemination.
“AM” means Arthrogryposis Multiplex referring to a genetic disorder in Angus cattle.

“Angus NZ Inspection” This is a service offered by Angus New Zealand to breeding members as a form of quality assurance and indicates that the animal has met a minimum standard on the day it was inspected by an approved Angus NZ Inspector, and is true to type of the breed. It is NOT compulsory and is paid for by the breeder who applies to have his cattle inspected. Animals of a minimum age which pass this inspection may assume an “Independently Inspected” status and may be promoted under the associated Angus NZ “Independently Inspected / AA Tick” logo which is as follows:
“Angus NZ Inspector” is a recognised person appointed by the Board of Angus NZ to undertake Inspections under terms laid out in the Angus NZ Inspection Manual. A registry of approved assessors is maintained on the Angus NZ website. Go to https://angusnz.com/our-people/inspectors/ for full list of approved Angus “Inspectors” and “Associate Inspectors”. NB: This inspection service is separate and different from a Beef Class Structural Assessment and is paid for by the breeder at the rates outline in Section 9.0: Schedule of Fees.

“AngusPure A” Those animals that meet or exceed AngusPure Index criteria (see website for latest criteria) are entitled to use the AngusPure “A” device in sales material or sales catalogues.

“AngusPure A+” Those animals that meet or exceed AngusPure Index criteria and with an IMF EBV of above the current breed average are entitled to use the AngusPure “A+” device in sales material or sales catalogues (see website for latest criteria).
“Beef Class Structural Assessment” is a system of structural assessment by a qualified, registered assessor (i.e. different from an Angus Assessment) whom scores the various listed structural traits. It gives you a description of what the animal “looks like”. It is not compulsory and is paid for by the breeder who applies to have his cattle assessed.
“Beef Class Structural Assessor” An approved and qualified person accredited as a “Structural Scoring Technician” by ABRI Australia. NB: This accreditation is separate and different from an approved Angus Inspectors. A registry of approved assessors is maintained on the ABRI website but you can also go to https://angusnz.com/our-people/inspectors/ for full list of approved “Structural Assessors”
“Breeder” in respect of an animal, means, the person into whose ownership the animal is born.
“BreedObject Indices” means the “Self-Replacement Index”, “AngusPure Index” and “Dairy Index”.
“CA” means Contractural Arachnodactyly referring to a potential genetic condition in Angus cattle
“Calf Entry Return” means the official form for the entry of produce into the Herd Book.
“Current Inspection Manual” The rules and guidelines that govern Inspection of Angus cattle in New Zealand.
“DD” means Developmental Duplication referring to a potential genetic condition in Angus cattle
“Embryo Transfer Certificate” is a certificate completed by the ET technician / ET Centre at the time of embryo transfer verifying the sire and dam.
“ET” means Embryo Transplant.
“F” means ‘free’ having been tested for a genetic disorder using an approved method
“Herd Code” means a unique three-letter code registered with Angus New Zealand Office for individual herds.
“Insemination Certificate” is a certificate completed by the AI technician at the time of insemination verifying the sire and dam.
“Inspectors” is a recognised person appointed by the Board of Angus NZ to undertake Inspections under terms laid out in the Angus NZ Inspection Manual. A registry of approved assessors is maintained on the Angus NZ website. Go to https://angusnz.com/our-people/inspectors/ for full list of approved Angus “Inspectors” and “Associate Inspectors: This inspection service is separate and different from a Beef Class Structural Assessment and is paid for by the breeder at the rates outlined in Section 9.0: Schedule of Fees..
“NH” means Neuropathy Hydrocephalus referring to a potential genetic condition in Angus cattle
“Pass Status” Those animals that pass Inspection under rules laid down in the Inspection Manual will assume this status (i.e. passed independent inspection).
“Pedigree” registered pedigree cattle that are recorded only. (i.e. do not have EBVs)
“Pedigree & Performance” registered pedigree cattle that are performance recorded.
“Pedigree Certificate” a pedigree certificate, from the country of origin or an approved Societies Internet Database of that country, that shows an extended pedigree of both the dam and sire of any animal entered in to the registry
“PRAC” means “Performance Recorded Angus Cattle” being non-registered pedigree cattle that are performance recorded.
“PRAC BF” PRAC Base Female
“PRAC AP” PRAC Accepted Progeny
“Pre-List Dam” is a breeding female on the Angus NZ Register that will calve during the next twelve months and whose calf will be included in the next calving return.
“Registrar” means the person or persons employed by or on behalf of Angus New Zealand to maintain Angus New Zealand’s animal data base (register).
“RP” Registered Progeny
“Station Number” refers to the last 3 or 4 digits of the animal’s society identification number.
“TACE” means Trans-Tasman Angus Cattle Genetic Evaluation
“The Board” refers to The Board of Angus NZ
“Yearling Inspection” Animals under the age of 18 months which pass inspection may be promoted under the associated Angus NZ logo.