June e-Newsletter 2020

The Angus bull sales are strong to date, with both commercial and stud buyers navigating the Covid-19 restrictions imposed and still managing to both view and buy bulls.  We have had some stand out sales to date – Umbrella Range Angus sold all 24 of 24 bulls offered to commercial buyers, at an average price of $10,186.  Oregon Angus also sold all 30 of 30 bulls offered, averaging $10,100. Three Oregon bulls were sold to stud, including the top priced bull which sold to Tarangower Angus for $28,000.   There are a number of online selling platforms being utilised by breeders, including bidr® and AuctionPlus.

We hope your 2020 hunt for bulls has either already been a success or you have a few in your sights. Part of the beauty of the Angus breed here in New Zealand is the vast range of both phenotypes and genotypes available to the commercial buyer.

Drought conditions are still plaguing much of the North Island, particularly Northland and Hawke’s Bay, where unprecedented conditions have surpassing record levels. Desperate pleas for assistance with feed were heard and an outpouring of support from around the country has since been rolling in on transporters – the rural community spirit seen at its best.

We thank you all for your immense patience as we have navigated our way through level 4, 3 and now 2 of the Covid-19 pandemic. The agents are due our gratitude as they have ensured bull viewings were still possible and they’ve gone above and beyond with on-farm stud visits (ensuring social distancing of course…).